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Wild Sarasota: Venomous Snakes Part 2

Zahir Ringgold CordesJune 13th, 2024Snakes are an integral part of Florida’s healthy, well-functioning ecosystems. They help balance populations of rodents and other small mammals, reptiles, insects, and amphibians. Some snakes even eat other snakes, as well as some of our non-native and invasive animal species too! Whether venomous or non-venomous, these serpents have also come to be the source […]

Wild Sarasota: Venomous Snakes Part 1

Zahir Ringgold CordesJune 10th, 2024Snakes are an integral part of Florida’s healthy, well-functioning ecosystems. They help balance populations of rodents and other small mammals, reptiles, insects, and amphibians. Some snakes even eat other snakes, as well as some of our non-native and invasive animal species too! Whether venomous or non-venomous, these serpents have also come to be the source […]

Wild Sarasota: Wild Turkeys

Zahir Ringgold CordesJune 6th, 2024In the distance, far from my slowly moving vehicle along Myakka River State Park’s main road, tall, strange silhouettes of robust birds were slowly making their way across the asphalt. Their characteristic strut, reddish-heads, and iridescent feathers told me that these peculiar animals were wild turkeys- what a treat! As the fascinating birds walked on […]

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